Saturday, June 30, 2018

Forgive the Tweet

This was a real tweet……

by a “real” reporter who didn’t even let the dust settle on getting all the news out about the tragic news out about the shooting at the newspaper the other day before he knowingly sent out this false tweet.

He no longer works at The Republican, a small newspaper outlet in Massachusetts, having  sent out a tweet about how his 21-year-career was torpedoed by one very foolish tweet and apologizing graciously to all hardworking reporters and POTUS supporters. (He did not mention President Trump in his apology, but, maybe he thought that was covered)

“Folks, My 21-year career as a “journalist,” a fancy term that makes my skin crawl, frankly, came to a screeching halt yesterday with one stupid, regrettable tweet,” Barry wrote. “Can’t take it back; wish I could. My since apologies to all good, hardworking reporters and to POTUS supporters.” …

Obviously he should have thought again, then again, before hitting the tweet button on that original,  offensive tweet. It is not clear if his employer fired him, suggested he resign, or if his resignation came at his own request.

Another tweet came out in the past few days, a troll tweet from, supposedly, the Mayo Clinic, a fake doctor bragging that he tells Trump supporters there is a problem with their pregnancies and they must terminate their actually-healthy babies because of this false condition. The Mayo Clinic has gone all out to assure everyone the tweet is false, and even when I first saw it, I could not believe a doctor—even if he/she would do such a thing—would be stupid enough to put it out on twitter. But, how sad that some person, because of political craziness, has taken the time of a medical facility to have to defend themselves from such a heinous act.  Before someone jumps in and says, “But Trump,” I’m not going to begin to go there. However one feels about their political opponent, no two wrong, cruel acts can make a right, and how on earth can assigning a murderer with an ax to grind against a business a false political motive or the equivalent with the Mayo Clinic going to help one’s cause?

And, my Conservative Friends, reverse the actions and answer the questions the other way.

I KNOW it is possible to get along with people with whom you virulently disagree politically; two of my closest friends are 180 degrees different from me politically. We care for each other, will defend each other to the death….. and know (we KNOW) the other one is wrong—and it doesn’t matter. Because we know the other one is precious and important and valuable.  I have been called a Nazi and a racist, and they have both been angry on my behalf over that, as they know I am neither. (A family member called me a racist).

So, this reporter…… he sincerely apologized. It was really kind of a big deal, but should he have lost his job? When are we ever going to get back to granting forgiveness? If he had said, “Take your MAGA hat and shove it,” it might be different. But, he didn’t. He really did apologize to other reporters for any way he denigrated their work and to people who support Donald Trump—which must have been very difficult for him. Why can’t we say, “You are forgiven; now go cover the news in a fair and more careful manner.”

Good grief, as I understand it, Michael Vick now has a dog. If THAT was allowed, we can forgive many, many things.

Please, let us turn down the rhetoric. Truly, no one wants to hurt children. Truly we must be able to discuss our differences without invoking Hitler and the Nazis. I promise you, if Trump says he is cancelling an election, I will march with you and make sure our Republic continues. If I remember correctly, Obama is the one who said he could be elected to a third term if allowed. Conservatives, while we quietly whispered, “Thank goodness he is NOT allowed,” we did not scream about our rights being taken away. We just did not elect Hillary Clinton after eight years of being unhappy with the way the government had worked. To those on the Right, they will not take our guns. We will fight and keep (because we will standing for fighting for) Second Amendment rights; Hitler may have taken the guns, but Hitler is not here. On the Left, you all keep saying Trump is going step by step to take rights away, but, again, no Hitler here. In 2024, at the latest, he will be gone because he cannot run after 2020.  The people of color who like him are not sellouts; they are Americans. The women who like him are not lesser; they are Americans. The gays and lesbians who like his economic policies are not crazy; they are Americans.

And, I know and cherish the fact that you all are Americans, too.

As was the reporter who foolishly sent this tweet.

I know some people are so hurt and angry on either side that they will not want to do this. But, it is a symptom of how frightening the rhetoric and anger is that I want to:  I don't mind a brisk discussion usually. But I lived through the 60's and 70's. I hope for calmer, more beneficial, more rational times.

Let’s forgive this reporter and let him talk with us. And let him tell all our stories—maybe without prejudice or point of view; just with interest.

It would be a start.